Open Up Your Heart

Ah, Love, Love, Love......Is there ever too much?


This one was handed to me as a rough draft by Kenny and we had some fun with it.

Where Credit is Due:

Words and Music Kenny Lee Sylvia & Paul D. Turgeon
Drums Michael Alves
Lead Guitar Gillie Joeseph Rezendes III
Bass and Rhythm Guitars Kenny Lee Sylvia
Lead Vocals Paul D. Turgeon
Background Vocals Kathy Gude, Shelly Amaral

play song

Open Up Your Heart

Maybe you've been loved an awful lot lately
but it doesn't seem to show
You've been hanging around with every Johnny-come-lately
and don't know where to go
Well life is just a dead end on a one way street
ain't no doubt about that
but if you can't seem to keep your heart on track
open up your heart and
give a little loving back
I know you've got your life to live
And I know you've got some love to give
But your hearts packed up like a moving truck
hauling you from man to man
But baby you've been moving just a little too fast
give it just a little slack
cause if you want to keep your love right on track
give some back
Take it 
Give it
You can't do nothing else with it
You can't save it up for a rainy day
Why would you want to anyway?
life ain't just living on a Saturday night
never looking back
Love ain't being loved now, it's a matter of fact
Open up your heart and
Give a little loving back
I know, you know,
all you ever really need
is to open your heart and let the sun shine through 
and feel the light of day,
and feel the light of day
(Open up your heart and give a little loving)
Open up your heart and take a little loving
Give a little loving back

COPYRIGHT 1993, Paul D. Turgeon and Kenny Lee Sylvia


The Mission
The Man
The Video
The Music
The Band
The Heidi Page

Please note:  Stuff on this site has been copyrighted.  Please act accordingly.........Thanks, Paul